May 27, 2023
WWE Night Of Champions Results

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Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch

A video package airs to get us ready for the second match of the evening. We it wraps up, we return back live inside the Jeddah SuperDome where the iconic theme music for WWE Hall of Fame legend Trish Stratus hits.

“Thank you, Trish!”

Out she comes and she makes her long walk to the ring to a ton of boos from the Jeddah audience in attendance. She settles in the ring as Graves and Cole bicker on commentary and then her music wraps up.

The theme for Becky Lynch hits and the crowd explodes as “The Man” emerges to a ton of smoke and pyro. She makes her way down to the ring to a ton of cheers from the Saudi fans inside the Jeddah SuperDome.

The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Lynch immediately charge across the ring and start teeing off on Trish. After Lynch works Trish over for a bit, the action spills out to the floor where Trish takes over.

Stratus rams Lynch into the steel ring steps and then into the ring apron before rolling her back in the ring and kicking her hard in the gut. Trish controls the action in the offensive driver’s seat with a slow pace for a few minutes.

From there, Lynch speeds things up as she fires up and begins taking over as the crowd rallies behind her. Lynch connects with a big leg drop off the middle ropes. She follows that up with a baseball slide to knock Trish out to the floor. She leaps off the ring apron with a clothesline on the floor.

At ringside, we see Trish launch Lynch into the steel ring post face-first. This allows Trish to take over. Back in the ring, Trish connects with a big spinebuster on Lynch for a close near fall. Trish takes Lynch off the ropes with a head-scissors take down into another near fall attempt.

A small “Thank you, Trish!” breaks out, which Cole acknowledges on the broadcast. Trish looks for her Stratusfaction bulldog off the ropes but Lynch avoids it. Lynch brings Trish over to the corner and hits a flipping stunner off the ropes. She follows that up with a Hulk Hogan style leg drop off the middle ropes for a near fall.

Lynch looks for the Man-Handle Slam but Trish counters and looks for a Sharpshooter. Lynch avoids it. She heads to the top but Trish knocks her down. Trish looks to do her head-scissor out of the corner on the ropes again but Lynch slaps a sharpshooter on her while still on the ropes.

“The Man” drags Trish to the center of the ring still in the hold. Stratus eventually drags her way over to the bottom rope to free herself from the hold. The action spills out to the floor where Lynch leaps off the ring steps into a kick from Trish.

Back in the ring, Trish connects with a Chick-Kick for a close near fall. Trish grabs Becky by the hair and trash talks her before slamming the back of her heard into the mat repeatedly. She does it too many times as Lynch counters her into the Dis-Arm-Her arm-bar.

Trish eventually escapes and the two grab each other’s hair and start hockey swinging at each other. Trish looks for another Chick Kick but Lynch avoids it and connects with a Man-Handle-Slam for a close near fall.

Out on the floor, Trish escapes Lynch’s clutches and heads back in the ring. Out from under the ring comes Zoey Stark who hits her with her Z-360 finisher and sends her back into the ring where Trish hits her Stratus-faction finisher for the win. Trish and Stark head to the back together laughing as Lynch remains in the ring covered in blood.

Winner: Trish Stratus

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