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 Who is Trish?

Patricia Anne Stratigeas, better known by the ring name Trish Stratus, is a Canadian professional wrestler, actress and yoga instructor. She is currently signed to WWE, where she performs on the Raw brand.

Born: December 18, 1975 (age 47 years)
From: Toronto, Canada
Spouse: Ron Fisico (m. 2006)
Children: Maximus Stratus Fisico
Height: 5′ 4″
Parents: John Stratigias, Alice Stratigias
Siblings: Melissa Stratigias, Christie Stratigias

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Open Since: June 18th, 2023
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This website ( is an unofficial non-profit fanpage dedicated to Patricia Anne Stratigeas, also known as “Trish Stratus” in WWE. We are in no way affiliated with Patricia Anne Stratigeas, (Trish Stratus), World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) or any other companies/organizations affiliated with her. We do not claim ownership of copyrighted material on this website. All logos/trademarks displayed on this website are accredited to their respectful owners which includes any photos, videos, or articles being displayed on this website. All content is being used in Fair Use according to Section 107 of U.S. Copyright Act. All logos and trademarks are copyrighted material accredited to their rightful owners and not affiliated with our website.

Trish Stratus Source is strictly a fan supported website showing support for actress and professional wrestler Patricia Anne Stratigeas, (a.k.a. “Trish Stratus”). If you need to contact us regarding this website please use this e-mail or our Twitter page.

WWE RAW Results – August 14th, 2023
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Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch II

It’s rematch time!

When The Miz and Byron Saxton finish up, we shoot back inside Canada Life Centre and out comes Canada’s own, WWE Hall of Fame legend Trish Stratus. She heads to the ring by herself, as it’s time for her highly-anticipated rematch against Becky Lynch.

Remember, Zoey Stark is banned from ringside for this bout. As Trish soaks in the crowd atmosphere in her home country, we shift gears and head into a quick pre-match commercial break.

As we settle back in from the break, we hear the familiar sounds of Becky Lynch’s theme music. Out comes “The Man” for some “Big Time Becks” action, as it’s time for the big Trish-Becky II showdown.

The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. The two collide like two p*ssed off hockey players duking it out with flailing shots. Becky takes over and put the boots to Trish in the corner. Trish headbutts Lynch with her face-protector on. She hits some big chops.

Lynch fights back with a Beck-Exploder suplex. Trish rolls out to the floor to re-group. Lynch catches her with a baseball slide dropkick and then launches through the ropes to splash on the WWE Hall of Fame legend at ringside. The two run around the ring and Trish catches Lynch off guard.

After dropping Lynch, Trish yanks Becky’s hair and slams her down to the floor before picking her back up and ramming her into the barricade. Lynch fights back and slams Trish face-first into the ring apron. The two head back in the ring and Trish dives right into a kick from Lynch.

Trish’s face cover comes off. The ref helps her put it back on. Trish goes for the Stratusphere in the corner but slips and botches it. She drills Lynch with some punches and then tries again, this time hitting it for a close near fall. She throws Becky out to the floor.

She slams her into the ring steps and poses for the crowd before rolling her back into the ring. She takes her face protector off and shows the camera that she is fine and doesn’t need it anymore.

She goes to use it as a weapon, which the commentators remind us happened in her previous Raw main event against Lita many moons ago, but this time it doesn’t work. Regardless, Trish continues beating Becky down as we shift gears and head into a mid-match commercial break.

When we return from the break, we see some back-and-forth action until finally things boil over with the two fighting outside of the ring and into the crowd as the referee ultimately counts them both out. Yup, a rematch promoted for about a month ends in a double count out. Don’t worry, we’ll probably be able to pay for it again in a couple weeks.

The two ignore the bell and keep fighting. The camera follows them as the brawl continues into the food stands with a hundred or so fans in the background watching as they throw each other into everything that is and isn’t nailed down inside the food concourse of the Canada Life Centre. Zoey Stark joins the mix and helps Trish attack Lynch.

Winner: Double Count Out

Adam Pearce Makes Steel Cage Match Official

We shoot to another area backstage after we see highlights of the finish of the Trish and Becky bout moments ago. Adam Pearce comes in irate and confronts Trish and Zoey Stark. He assures them that won’t happen again because next time Trish and Becky meet, it’ll be inside a Steel Cage. Trish isn’t happy with this.


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