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 Who is Trish?

Patricia Anne Stratigeas, better known by the ring name Trish Stratus, is a Canadian professional wrestler, actress and yoga instructor. She is currently signed to WWE, where she performs on the Raw brand.

Born: December 18, 1975 (age 47 years)
From: Toronto, Canada
Spouse: Ron Fisico (m. 2006)
Children: Maximus Stratus Fisico
Height: 5′ 4″
Parents: John Stratigias, Alice Stratigias
Siblings: Melissa Stratigias, Christie Stratigias

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Open Since: June 18th, 2023
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This website ( is an unofficial non-profit fanpage dedicated to Patricia Anne Stratigeas, also known as “Trish Stratus” in WWE. We are in no way affiliated with Patricia Anne Stratigeas, (Trish Stratus), World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) or any other companies/organizations affiliated with her. We do not claim ownership of copyrighted material on this website. All logos/trademarks displayed on this website are accredited to their respectful owners which includes any photos, videos, or articles being displayed on this website. All content is being used in Fair Use according to Section 107 of U.S. Copyright Act. All logos and trademarks are copyrighted material accredited to their rightful owners and not affiliated with our website.

Trish Stratus Source is strictly a fan supported website showing support for actress and professional wrestler Patricia Anne Stratigeas, (a.k.a. “Trish Stratus”). If you need to contact us regarding this website please use this e-mail or our Twitter page.

WWE RAW Results – July 3rd, 2023
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Becky Lynch Calls Out Trish Stratus

Becky Lynch’s theme hits and out comes “The Man” to the ring. She gets on the mic and starts by saying, “Well, I didn’t win Money In The Bank.”

Lynch proceeds to talk about the thorn in her side that Trish Stratus and Zoey Stark have become. She calls out Trish Stratus to come fight right now.

Trish Stratus comes out with a basketball style broken nose protector and Stark by her side. Lynch laughs at Trish’s face. Trish says even with her broken face and mask she’s prettier than everyone in Baltimore.

Stratus goes on to claim she can’t compete because she’s not medically cleared. Lynch then asks how about her little friend Stark. Trish says she has a medical appointment but tells Lynch to keep her schedule open for next week.

WWE Money In The Bank Results 2023
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Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Zelina Vega vs. Becky Lynch vs. Zoey Stark vs. Bayley vs. Iyo Sky vs. Trish Stratus

We head to a commercial break and when we return, the pre-match video package airs to get us ready for our second namesake match, as it’s time for the Women’s Money In The Bank ladder match.

With that said, the ring entrances begin after the formal in-ring pre-match introductions by the ring announcer. Out first, representing The Judgment Day according to Samantha Irvin, is Bayley. Whoops! Damage CTRL, Sammy!

Next she introduces Iyo Sky, as representing Damage CTRL. She’s batting .500 now. Representing LWO out next is Zelina Vega. Alright, she’s back to being an above .500 batter as a ring announcer. That’s respectable.

Zoey Stark is introduced next and then out after her comes the WWE Hall of Fame legend, Trish Stratus. Real quick, just need to say thank you, Trish! Finally, “The Man” is introduced and the crowd goes ballistic as Becky Lynch makes her way out.

The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with our Women’s Money In The Bank ladder match. We see Trish and Zoey immediately join forces to take out most of the competition. They then focus on trying to get the ladder in the ring and begin their climb.

Others start filtering back in to stop Trish and Zoey. The fans break out in their super loud “Hey Bayley!” chants and crazy, crazy loud singing for Bayley like they did during Friday night’s SmackDown. Bayley finally screams, “SHUT UP!”

Iyo Sky ends up hitting a wild moonsault off the top of the ladder set up in the ring, splashing onto a pile of bodies down below. Trish and Becky end up alone in the ring and they wildly duke it out as the commentators talk about their recent intense rivalry.

We keep seeing spots take place and then Trish and Becky end up alone and they pick up where they left off with their wild hockey style punch-exchanges. Trish hits her Stratusfaction onto a ladder. Zoey Stark pulls handcuffs from under the ring. Trish chokes Becky as Zoey gets ready to cuff her to the corner of the ring.

Lynch fights back after only one cuff is put on her hand. The other one s dangling as she beats down Trish and Zoey. She clears off the commentary table but turns around into a two-on-one attack from Trish and Zoey. A ladder bridge is set up across the ring apron and announce table.

“The Man” hits a Man-Handle Slam on Trish on the ladder bridge. Ouch. She then turns around into a turning corkscrew splash from Zoey. In the ring, Zelina and Zoey start to climb opposing sides of the ladder. Zelina flips over and hits Code Red on Zoey on another ladder bridge. Ouch!!

Iyo Sky ends up alone and climbing the ladder. She gets her hand on the briefcase and essentially has this one won, but her own Damage CTRL teammate Bayley pushes the ladder over. She screws her own teammate and begins climbing herself now.

Lynch climbs up the other side and grabs Bayley by the ear and then a fish-hook, to drag her down. She climbs back up but Bayley grabs the loose handcuff. Iyo Sky comes in but Lynch takes them both out. Bayley stops Lynch again.

Iyo Sky grabs the loose handcuff from Lynch and cuffs it to Bayley. Now both are stuck and can’t climb, so Iyo climbs up past them, literally climbing over Bayley as payback and getting to the top. She sits on the top rung and pulls down the briefcase for the win. Awesome match.

Winner and 2023 Mrs. Money In The Bank: Iyo Sky

WWE RAW Results – June 26th, 2023
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– Trish Stratus and Zoey Star make their way to the ring as we go to commercial.

In the Arena:

We are back and there is a ladder in the ring.

Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring.

During the commercial break, Iyo Sky and Bayley made their way to the ring along with Zelina Vega.

Bayley interrupts Corey’s explanation of the rules. Bayley says the people are idiots and she cackles. Bayley mentions she is the only one in the group who has won. Bayley says she will take control of this since she has the best chance to win, if not Iyo.

Iyo says may the best woman win.

Zelina says she is sick of Bayley and Iyo running everyone down. She says she respects Becky, who has done it all but win Money in the Bank. Zoey is a groupie. Trish is a legend but she has not idea of what to do in a ladder match. Zelina starts to say she is going to win but Bayley cackles. Zelina says she will prove everyone wrong when her and Santos bring Money in the Bank to the LWO.

Everyone starts to talk, except Becky.

Trish says she sees a bunch of little girls. It is very clear to her why you needed her to save the women’s division. She says she is not a little girl, she is a woman. She says she is the best and greatest woman to do it. Trish says Zelina is right it is her first ladder match, but when she makes history on Saturday, you can all say Thank You Trish for being part of such a historic moment. Trish tells Lynch that she cannot call her a girl or a woman because she is ‘The Man’, but after she loses, will she be man enough to say ‘Thank you Trish’?

Becky punches Trish and then all six start to fight. Becky sends Trish and Zoey to the floor. Bayley and Iyo work over Becky but Zelina hits Iyo with her flip flop. Zelina punches Bayley and connects with a few knees. Iyo drop kicks Zelina. Iyo drops Becky against the top rope and Iyo with a moonsault onto everyone not named Becky Lynch.

Becky pulls a ladder into the center of the ring and she kisses the briefcase and pulls it off. (remember, if this was Saturday, Becky would be the winner of the match).

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WWE RAW Results – June 19th, 2023
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We see Raquel Rodriguez watching on MONITOR and she is not smiling. Raquel says it is an honor to step in the ring with a legend like Trish. Raquel says what Rhea did to Natalya is not cool. She says when she wins at Money in the Bank, she is going to cash in on Rhea.Rhea shows up in Gorilla and asks Raquel what did she say. Raquel says that Rhea isn’t ready for Raquel.

Raquel Rodriguez vs. Trish Stratus in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Before the match, Trish says Cleveland is lucky to get to see her qualify for Money in the Bank. Then she will make history when she becomes Ms. Money in the Bank, or Zoey. As long as it isn’t Becky.

Back in the ring and Trish with punches and kicks. Raquel catches Trish on a Thesz Press and ragdolls her before Raquel sends Trish to the mat. Raquel with a slam and a splash into the corner. Trish has the referee hold Raquel back. Raquel with a waist lock and Trish with elbows and a slap. Trish backs off but Raquel runs Trish into the corner and connects with shoulders. Raquel with an Irish whip but she misses a shoulder when Trish moves. Raquel hits the ring post and Trish with a tornado DDT for a near fall.

Trish with more near falls. Trish slams Raquel’s head into the mat and rubs her face in the mat. Trish with a kick to Raquel and she chokes Raquel in the ropes. Trish with a reverse chin lock from the turnbuckles but Raquel gets Trish on her shoulders and runs Trish into the turnbuckles. Raquel misses a boot in the corner. Trish with a kick and then she tries to tie Raquel’s hair in the turnbuckles but Raquel goes for a power bomb and Trish counters with a rana that sends Raquel into the turnbuckles.

Trish with a punch and a camel clutch. Raquel gets to her feet while Trish fish hooks Raquel. Raquel escapes and she sends Trish into the corner and hits a splash. Raquel with snake eyes and a clothesline. Raquel gets Trish up for a fallaway slam. Trish falls to the floor. Raquel goes to the floor and she sends Trish back into the ring. Zoey trips Raquel on the apron and then Trish sends Raquel into the ring post for a near fall.

Becky Lynch ocmes out and hits Zoey from behind and sends her into the ringside barrier. Becky sends Trish into the ringside barrier and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Trish Stratus (by disqualification)

After the match, Becky goes after Trish but Trish gets away from Becky and retreats into the safety of Zoey Stark. Raquel wants to know what the heck has happened. Becky tries to explain herself but Raquel is not happy at all…

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WWE RAW Results – June 5th, 2023
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Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Becky Lynch vs. Sonya Deville

After the opener wraps up, Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick run down the advertised lineup for tonight’s show and then the familiar sounds of Becky Lynch’s theme hits. Out comes “The Man” to kick things off inside the ring on this week’s show.

As “Big Time Becks” settles inside the squared circle, we head to a pre-match commercial break. When we return from the break, we see Lynch settled into the ring when her music cuts off.

The theme for her opponent plays and out comes Sonya Deville accompanied by her Complaint Department tag-team partner, Chelsea Green.. Deville settles in the ring and the bell sounds to get this one off-and-running.

Lynch looks for her Man-Handle Slam early on, but Deville avoids it and starts to take over on offense. The commentators talk about the WWE Money In The Bank pay-per-view coming to the O2 Arena in London, England this July.

As Becky starts to fight into the offensive lead, out of nowhere we hear the theme song for Trish Stratus. As the WWE Hall of Fame legend distracts Lynch, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues in this women’s MITB qualifier.

When we return, we see Trish and Zoey Stark still standing at the top of the entrance ramp while Deville beats down Lynch in the ring. She takes Becky to the top rope and connects with a super-plex for a close near fall. We see Chelsea Green watching on from ringside as well.

Becky starts to fire back up but Green gets involved at ringside, hitting a pump kick on Lynch on the floor and then rolling her into the ring, where Deville immediately covers her. Lynch kicks out and the match continues.

The action continues with Green once again trying to get involved at ringside. This time, however, Lynch bounces Green and Deville off the barricade over and over again. Back in the ring, Lynch finishes Deville off for the win to qualify for the women’s Money In The Bank. After the match, we head to another commercial break.

Winner and QUALIFYING for Women’s Money In The Bank: Becky Lynch

Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Zoey Stark vs. Natalya

After we see highlights of the Seth Rollins and Damian Priest segment from earlier in the show, we see Priest working out live backstage as he prepares for tonight’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship main event.

Now we shoot back inside the XL Center where Trish Stratus’ theme hits. Out comes the WWE Hall of Fame legend, who stops. Her music dies down and then the theme for Zoey Stark plays and out she comes.

The two head to the ring for our second of two Women’s Money In The Bank qualifying matches scheduled for tonight’s show. As she settles inside the squared circle, we head to another commercial break.

When we return from the break, we hear the sounds of the legendary Hart family guitar screech as Natalya makes her way out. The women’s wrestling legend heads to the ring and settles inside.

From there, the bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. Nattie controls Stark early on, taking her to the mat and schooling her with some mat-based grappling skills. We see Trish watching on from ringside.

Nattie sells her knee early on. Trish points this out and shouts instructions to Zoey and then we see the newcomer from NXT start to focus her offensive attack on the lower limb of the women’s wrestling legend.

We see Zoey dominate the offense for a few minutes and then Nattie manages to slap her Sharpshooter finisher on her. Stark screams in pain but eventually crawls to the ropes, forcing the referee to break the hold.

Now we see Trish sneak in a cheap shot, kicking the weakened knee of Nattie. Back in the ring, Stark hits her Z-360 finisher and score the pin fall victory. With the win, she qualifies for the Women’s Money In The Bank match.

Winner and QUALIFYING for Women’s Money In The Bank: Zoey Stark Images
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WWE RAW Results – May 29th, 2023
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Trish Stratus, Zoey Stark & Becky Lynch Fallout

The commentators react to the win and then remind us of what went down at WWE Night Of Champions between Trish Stratus and Becky Lynch, with Stratus winning due to help from Zoey Stark. Trish’s theme hits and she heads to the ring as we head to a commercial break.

When we return, Trish settles in the squared circle and talks about how she’s not one to say I told you so — but she told us so. She boasts beating Becky Lynch with ease at Night Of Champions and says now she can return to her little problems.

She then begins hyping up Zoey Stark and out comes the former NXT Superstar who helped her beat Lynch this past weekend. The two brag about what they did to Lynch and then Lynch’s theme hits and out comes “The Man.”

Lynch vows to ruin Zoey’s life and points out that she and Trish are still wearing their ring gear from last night. Lynch says they should finish what they started. Lynch decks Stark and heads in to do the same to Trish, but the numbers disadvantage eventually shows itself.

Stark and Trish beat down Lynch and then drag her into the corner and sit her upright and cover her with a “Thank you, Trish!” t-shirt. Images

WWE Night Of Champions Results
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Trish Stratus vs. Becky Lynch

A video package airs to get us ready for the second match of the evening. We it wraps up, we return back live inside the Jeddah SuperDome where the iconic theme music for WWE Hall of Fame legend Trish Stratus hits.

“Thank you, Trish!”

Out she comes and she makes her long walk to the ring to a ton of boos from the Jeddah audience in attendance. She settles in the ring as Graves and Cole bicker on commentary and then her music wraps up.

The theme for Becky Lynch hits and the crowd explodes as “The Man” emerges to a ton of smoke and pyro. She makes her way down to the ring to a ton of cheers from the Saudi fans inside the Jeddah SuperDome.

The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this one. We see Lynch immediately charge across the ring and start teeing off on Trish. After Lynch works Trish over for a bit, the action spills out to the floor where Trish takes over.

Stratus rams Lynch into the steel ring steps and then into the ring apron before rolling her back in the ring and kicking her hard in the gut. Trish controls the action in the offensive driver’s seat with a slow pace for a few minutes.

From there, Lynch speeds things up as she fires up and begins taking over as the crowd rallies behind her. Lynch connects with a big leg drop off the middle ropes. She follows that up with a baseball slide to knock Trish out to the floor. She leaps off the ring apron with a clothesline on the floor.

At ringside, we see Trish launch Lynch into the steel ring post face-first. This allows Trish to take over. Back in the ring, Trish connects with a big spinebuster on Lynch for a close near fall. Trish takes Lynch off the ropes with a head-scissors take down into another near fall attempt.

A small “Thank you, Trish!” breaks out, which Cole acknowledges on the broadcast. Trish looks for her Stratusfaction bulldog off the ropes but Lynch avoids it. Lynch brings Trish over to the corner and hits a flipping stunner off the ropes. She follows that up with a Hulk Hogan style leg drop off the middle ropes for a near fall.

Lynch looks for the Man-Handle Slam but Trish counters and looks for a Sharpshooter. Lynch avoids it. She heads to the top but Trish knocks her down. Trish looks to do her head-scissor out of the corner on the ropes again but Lynch slaps a sharpshooter on her while still on the ropes.

“The Man” drags Trish to the center of the ring still in the hold. Stratus eventually drags her way over to the bottom rope to free herself from the hold. The action spills out to the floor where Lynch leaps off the ring steps into a kick from Trish.

Back in the ring, Trish connects with a Chick-Kick for a close near fall. Trish grabs Becky by the hair and trash talks her before slamming the back of her heard into the mat repeatedly. She does it too many times as Lynch counters her into the Dis-Arm-Her arm-bar.

Trish eventually escapes and the two grab each other’s hair and start hockey swinging at each other. Trish looks for another Chick Kick but Lynch avoids it and connects with a Man-Handle-Slam for a close near fall.

Out on the floor, Trish escapes Lynch’s clutches and heads back in the ring. Out from under the ring comes Zoey Stark who hits her with her Z-360 finisher and sends her back into the ring where Trish hits her Stratus-faction finisher for the win. Trish and Stark head to the back together laughing as Lynch remains in the ring covered in blood.

Winner: Trish Stratus Images
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WWE RAW Results – May 22nd, 2023
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Adam is told that Cody will not let anyone into his locker room. Trish Stratus stops Adam from going to check on Cody. Trish says Becky is a little testy and fiery. There should be a no touch policy in effect to make it a professional environment. Adam says there is a lot going on and he thanks Trish for bringing it up, but… No.

In the Arena:

Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring for the contract signing and Corey Graves is in the ring to host it.

Becky signs the contract and then she tells Trish to come out to the ring and get this done.

Trish makes her way to the ring and she says Becky is so eager. You weren’t that eager to come back to Raw after I kicked off your head, were you? Trish says this is a big moment. She says this is her first contract signing and she wants to enjoy it. Trish says Becky looks so cool and casual with her weird glasses on. This is nothing for you because you have had so many contract signings. It is because of her and what she did to single handedly change wrestling so you could do your Irish jig in a restaurant and contract signings were part of the landscape.

Trish says she is still number one and will always be number one. She was number one the moment she got into WWE and it didn’t take a broken nose to get there. You say you’re it. What happens when I beat you at Night of Champions? That makes her ‘It’. What will happen to you? Will you crawl into a dark, deep place and go through your stuff again. I figured you out. I know your weak spots. It is you. You are your worst enemy. When you said you wanted a name for the badness in you, it had a name on it.

Trish says she will sign the contract, but isn’t it kind of ironic. This is her first contract signing and Becky’s last contract signing.

Becky takes off her glasses and she looks at Trish. Becky asks Trish if she is scared. You are scared that she is going to hurt Trish. She wants Trish at the top of her health at Night of Champions. You are scared that you are going to be forgotten. You stayed the same and they remember you as being better than you are. Becky says she is better than Trish thinks she is. Don’t think about why she was gone, but that she is back. You want your flowers. That is what this is all about.

Becky tells Trish ‘Thank You’. Thank you for being everything she doesn’t want to become. You can stab people in the back, but I will punch you in the face. Becky knows she is not perfect but she can carry on, regardless. She is able to have a career that Trish can only dream of. You have done things that would give her nightmares. if you think barking like a dog is embarrassing, wait until I whoop your ass at Night of Champions. Welcome to the big time bitcch, woof woof.

Trish pushes the table over and leaves the ring.